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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Acorduri secrete |

Avocatul Poporului interimar a informat delegaţia Comisiei de la Venetia  că, după părerea sa, nu este competent să solicite un control al tuturor ordonanţelor de urgenţă ale Guvernului, ci doar al celor legate direct de drepturile omului.“
Membrii Comisiei sunt uluiţi de atitudinea lui Valer Dorneanu. De aceea, precizează: „Constituţia dă Avocatului Poporului un mandat expres de a ataca la Curtea Constituţională toate legile şi ordonanţele, iar acest mandat nu se limitează doar la protecţia drepturilor omului“.
Ce dovadă mai clară ar putea fi că Guvernul Ponta, punându-şi un om de paie în funcţia de Avocat al Poporului, a paralizat cu bună ştiinţă şi cu rea intenţie statul de drept?! Iar Dorneanu, zis şiDormeanu, continuă să fie Avocat al Poporului, în ciuda „celor 11 puncte ale lui Barroso” şi a Acordului de colaborare Băsescu – Ponta...

Acorduri secrete |

Piata de spaga din Romania

Cineva a venit cu o idee grozava. A creat  o harta interactiva unde potzi vedea ce spaga  trebuie sa dai pentru diferitele servicii in diferite locuri din Romania.  In plus potzi adauga comentarii. Cred ca merita popularizata.

Piata de spaga

Thursday, November 15, 2012

D'ale comasării sau "Vai de curu' nostru"

 Amicul meu, Razvan Constantinescu, intr-o admirabila, Don Quijoteasca incercare sa salveze medicina romaneasca.

D'ale comasării

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Suppersymmetry in doubt

 About a dozen of years ago, at a Great Lakes Conference dinner at Northwestern  I asked  Witten  what parts of high energy physics he thinks will be  confirmed  experimentally in our lifetime.  Super-symmetry was one of the first things he mentioned. Now come  this news from the Large Hadron Collider.

BBC News - Popular physics theory running out of hiding places

A word of caution though.   About a year ago people thought that the Large Hadron Collider detected a particle traveling faster than the speed of light.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Morning - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ

Monday Morning - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ 

 The vibes she's been sensing turned out to be the tremors of Romney's campaign finally dealing with gravity while denying its existence at the same time. It's gotta hurt! This lady needs to eat a truckload of crow.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mitt Romney's Bailout Bonanza | The Nation

Mitt Romney's Bailout Bonanza | The Nation

Mitt Romney’s opposition to the auto bailout has haunted him on the campaign trail, especially in Rust Belt states like Ohio. There, in September, the Obama campaign launched television ads blasting Romney’s November 2008 New York Times op-ed, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.” But Romney has done a good job of concealing, until now, the fact that he and his wife, Ann, personally gained at least $15.3 million from the bailout—and a few of Romney’s most important Wall Street donors made more than $4 billion. Their gains, and the Romneys’, were astronomical—more than 3,000 percent on their investment.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

"He's Gordon Gekko, but a new and improved version, with better PR – and a bigger goal. A takeover artist all his life, Romney is now trying to take over America itself. And if his own history is any guide, we'll all end up paying for the acquisition."

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Caruta cu nuntasi

Toata tarasenia asta cu referendum-ul mi s-a parut ca o carutza de nuntasi beti care se intorceau de la petrecere, au incercat sa treaca raul pe unde credeau ei ca e vadul, s-a rasturnat caruta, acum sunt uzi pana la chiloti si incep sa aiba o vaga banuiala ca poate n-a fost cea mai inteligenta decizie.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Zone of Insanity - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

Zone of Insanity - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

Rage against the machine

There is this classical  definition of insanity,  that is, to expect different result while doing the same thing.    From what Romney  allows the public to see,  his economic  vision is  a steroid enhanced  version  G.W Bush's.     Maybe  he  hopes  that there  are enough insane  voters   think  that this time the outcome will be different.  Or maybe he's hiding the details because   if people took a serious look at them    they would freak out.      Romney seems intelligent enough   to make me believe  that he   is a  demagogue  in the sense of  Mencken, i.e.,  one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.  The dunces that voted for W the second time    have short memories and may be buying   the nicely packaged  lotta nothing  Romney is selling.

The Catholic church in America: Earthly concerns | The Economist

The Catholic church in America: Earthly concerns | The Economist

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

În România, ultimul turnător stinge lumina - Gandul

În România, ultimul turnător stinge lumina - Gandul

Zile tulburi pentru Romania

CE SE VA INTAMPLA DUPA REFERENDUM? Parerea mea e ca politic vom asista la "more of the same" dar pe fondul unor serioase turbulente economice. Iata de ce cred asta. Daca Ponta si ai lui vor fi castigatori, vor trebui organizate alegeri prezidentiale. PDL-ul va pune atunci o opozitie serioasa pentru ca le tremura fundul pantalonilor de cand Sova le-a aratat ce dosare vor fi deschise cand USL va pune mana pe putere. Daca Basescu si ai lui castiga, atunci tot nu cred ca va fi pace pentru ca Ponta si Atonescu vor avea orgoliile vatamate si nu cred ca se vor abtine sa nu-l zgandare pe Basescu. Oricum, in noiembrie (?) sunt alegeri parlamentare si ambele tabere realizeaza ca vor fi extrem de importante si de aceea cred ca se vor hartui continuu pana atunci. Cred ca sansele lui Basescu de a castiga (tehnic) acest referundum sunt mai bune de 50-50. Daca mai e si vreun cod galben de caldura duminica asta sansele lui sunt si mai bune. (E mai usor sa boicotezi decat sa adunci lumea la vot in timpul vacantei, pe calduri mistuitoare.) Va fi interesat de urmarit cursul leului dupa referendum. Cursul se va aranja in functie de declaratiile si mai ales deciziile guvernului. Daca dolarul ajunge la pragul de 4 lei sau euro la pragul de 5 lei atunci populatia va incepe sa se ingrijoreze serios. Sunt 700,000 de imprumuturi personale in valuta, si o corectie de 10-15 la suta va lovi serios bugetele acestor familii: la o rata de 300 euro asta inseamna in plus pe luna 30-45 de euro adica aprox. 150 de lei in minus din bugetul familiei. Energia fiind cotata in dolari va manca si ea mai mult din buget. Painea se scumpeste si ea din august, si nu trebuie uitat ca majoritatea materiilor prime sunt cotate in dolari, la Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Asta va scumpi costul afacerilor. Si mai exista treaba nerezolvata din zona euro care adauga la instabilitate. Politicienii nostrii ar face bine ca in vremurile astea tulburi sa-si aduca aminte dictonul lui Clinton: "It's the economy stupid!"

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ponta, sau ce-si face omul cu mana lui

Basescu i-a intrat sub pielea lui Ponta care pare ca-si pierde uzul ratziunii. Teddy Roosevelt avea o vorba: speak softly, but carry a big stick. Ponta ar fi bine urmeze acest sfat. Banuiesc ca a fost bestelit bine la Bruxelles si cred ca se simte cu "bijuteriile familiei" stranse in menghina fiindca n-a prea convins pe nimeni la UE. Intre timp leul scade, UE ne taie din ajutoare dar de data asta doar USL-ul e la guvernare si nu va mai putea imparti vina cu nimeni. Si tot ce trebuie sa faca Basescu e sa spuna la lume: iesitzi ba la iarba verde pe 29 Iulie, beti o bere, mancatzi un mititel si uitatzi dracu' de referendum. Daca n-are grija de el, Ponta  o sa faca ulcer.  Iata si o mostra  din Ponta

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Un bun venit BARONIADEI, versiunea 2.0. Noutati in versiunea asta:

a fost eliminat zgomotul de fond produs de opozitie; 

a fost  complet sters din memorie BARONIADA 1.0.  

Sistem de operare: Banana Republic.  

Posibile hibe: cei care uita istoria sunt condamnatzi sa o repete.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Victor Ponta este un mic gainar de Gorj,   care ar vrea sa fie considerat un 'telectual insa nu are nici un respect fata acest grup  social. De curand am citit in ziar, si apoi am confirmat prin surse directe, ca Ponta la asmutzit pe cacaciosul de Liviu Pop asupra CNATDCU. Popica a amenintzat  membrii CNATDCU cu consecintze legale daca nu-l scot basma curata pe Conu' Ponta. Se pare ca membrii consiliului au abordat situatzia dupa principiul "cainii latra, ursu' merge".  Asa se face ca  musiu Ponta s-a ales nu numai cu titlul de Prim Plagiator al tarii, dar a obtzinut si o noua calificare de copy-editor pe care a neglijat sa o includa in CV-ul sau. (Pana si concluziile tezei sunt copiate!) Ma intreb de ce, fiindca ocupatia de copy-editor este mult mai onesta si mai folositoare de actuala sa ocupatie.

Iata si declaratia oficiala a domnului Viorel Barbu, mebru al  defunctului CNATDCU vis-a-vis de acest eveniment

"Acest Consiliu şi-a exprimat într-o maniera legală o opinie, dar a fost desfiinţat în mod abuziv. A fost un abuz grosolan al Puterii având in vedere că eu, alături de ceilalţi colegi, am evaluat plagiatul premierului Victor Ponta şi am oferit elemente ce arată că a fost vorba de un copy-paste clar. Este complet anormal ca membrii comisiei să fie amenintaţi cu închisoarea şi să le întocmească plângeri penale de către un ministru al Guvernului României. Am mai fost acuzat de faptul că aş fi membru al PDL, lucru la care am dat o dezminţire oficială. Repet, în acest caz este vorba despre un abuz grosolan al Puterii",

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


@Tom Quinn: Recently in a commencement  address Father Jenkins in an indirect way addressed the  tone  of current political discussions and urged  for civility, a message  with which I agree.    In the words of  President Obama, "we can disagree, without being disagreeable".      

Professor Duffy's letter has generated a debate, such as between the two of us.   In particular, I noticed that you have  tried to understand  my  objections, and I    have tried my best to  understand yours.  And we did this without insulting each other. I would say this is a positive thing.

I will try to go one by one through the various issues you raised.

1. You are right that federal law  does not mandate employers to provide  health insurance to its employees,  but once such benefits are offered, the law requires that the employer adhere to federal laws prohibiting discrimination in employment..  Market laws   in a sense  encourage employers to offer such benefits or else they would not be able to  stay competitive.     The University of Notre Dame  could not be ranked as high as it is  if it could not attract  top faculty, which it could not if it  did not offer  insurance  or guaranteed academic freedom.  Moreover, the University  of Notre Dame, unlike other private entities,   benefits from the Federal Government     generosity   from  research grants, student loans and grants. (For example,  the research grants awarded  to Notre Dame faculty   added up to more than 100 million.)  This   helps the University but   it adds a layer of responsibility towards people that do not have the same beliefs as you.

Currently, about 80%   of Catholics and    and a larger percentage of non-Catholics use contraceptives. That includes  a majority of Notre Dame  employees. Should  the University stop paying salaries   because it could be used for purchasing contraceptives?    Should  the health insurance  stop paying  for a  visit to a doctor that  results in a prescription for contraceptives, even though   the cost of those contraceptive is  covered by the employee, not the insurance? Arguably, one cannot get contraceptives legally without a prescription or without paying.   Where does this prohibition stop?

2. I try to be more concrete   on the issue  of   disconnect  between  the Church and its followers.  All the  Catholics  that  I know (they are many) are appalled   at    the   sexual abuse scandals and are in favor of more transparency. They all believe that this scandal  distracts from    all the great service the Church provides to the less fortunate amongst us.

Apparently this message is not resonating with some of the higher-ups in the Church.      Also  there is an obvious disconnect  between  the Church's message  on contraceptives and the  80% of American catholics that use them.

In Europe, the disconnect is even higher.  Over the last decade  applications for priesthood in Spain, arguably one of the most Catholic  countries, dropped by 25%. This week  there  was a meeting  in Dublin of the Association  of Catholic Priests discussing precisely this disconnect.

There is a tremendous cultural change going on, and I can  observe that in my students.     They  are embracing the  cultural changes at a faster rate than the Church.  And they are the future.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Risks of Misreading Arab Public Opinion on Iran's Nuclear Programs - By Nadim M. Rouhana | The Middle East Channel

Risks of Misreading Arab Public Opinion on Iran's Nuclear Programs - By Nadim M. Rouhana | The Middle East Channel

To learn more about how Arabs view the threat that Iran poses to Arab national security and about nuclear weapons in the Middle East, the Doha Institute recently surveyed the publics in 12 Arab countries covering more than 85 percent of the total population of the Arab world. The survey, which was conducted from February to July 2011, consisted of more than 16,000 face-to-face interviews with representative samples in these countries, with a margin of error of 3.5 percent.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tablet testinng

I bought a Galaxy Tab and now I learn how to use it. It's working fine.


Decât o Revistă » Lecţia de religie (Integral din DoR #7.2)

Decât o Revistă » Lecţia de religie (Integral din DoR #7.2)

Pe 28 aprilie 2010, Patriarhul Daniel a trimis o scrisoare deschisă preşedintelui Camerei Deputaţilor, Roberta Anastase, în care solicita eliminarea modificărilor făcute după consultarea cu societatea civilă şi introducerea amendamentelor făcute de Patriarhie. Concret, Patriarhul cerea eliminarea celorlalte opţiuni (proiectul cuprindea acum istoria religiilor, istoria culturii şi artelor sau alte cursuri utile în formarea comportamentului etic şi social) pentru că „scade importanţa orei de religie între celelalte discipline şcolare şi poate genera forme de abuz, oferind directorilor unităţilor şcolare posibilitatea de a completa norma didactică, acolo unde este cazul, prin retragerea elevilor de la ora de religie”.
Patriarhul mai cerea ceva: în noua sa formă, proiectul elimina obligaţia ca profesorii de religie să fie validaţi de cultele religioase de care aparţineau. Patriarhul a cerut reintroducerea acestei aprobări pentru că altfel se „restrânge posibilitatea cultelor de a-şi elabora programele pentru disciplina religie” – adică de a putea decide asupra materiei şi a metodologiei de predare. Mai mult de atât însă, ar fi însemnat ca profesorii de religie să fie independenţi de culte. (Am cerut opinia Patriarhiei pentru acest articol, dar nu am primit niciun răspuns.)
Organizaţiile seculare ca ASUR, Asociaţia Umanistă Română sau Asociaţia Solidaritatea pentru Libertatea de Conştiinţă critică de multă vreme statul pentru relaţia strânsă cu BOR, în special pentru finanţarea acţiunilor sociale ale bisericii sau construirea bisericilor şi a Catedralei Mântuirii Neamului din bani publici, în timp de domenii critice precum educaţia şi sănătatea sunt subfinanţate. „În plata Domnului!”, o campanie lansată în august 2010, atrăgea atenţia că în România există 18.300 de biserici, 4.700 de şcoli generale şi 425 de spitale (numărul spitalelor a scăzut de atunci, odată cu restructurarea sistemului de sănătate).
După scrisoarea Patriarhului, din lege au dispărut toate schimbările aduse la consultare şi în comisiile parlamentare. Religia a rămas în trunchiul comun de materii, obligatorie şi cu scutire la cerere. Elevul trebuia să aibă 18 ani ca să poată cere scutirea singur. Celelalte opţionale au dispărut. Până şi specificaţia „în confesiunea proprie” dispăruse – elevii ar fi urmat să participe la orele de religie ortodoxă fără ca şcoala să mai aibă responsabilitatea de a organiza cursuri şi pentru confesiunile minoritare.
A existat o singură victorie a seculariştilor: reintroducerea pe final a menţiunii „în confesiunea proprie” care, dacă ar fi fost omisă, ar fi putut aduce acuzaţii de neconstituţionalitate. Legea a trecut însă aproape integral în forma dorită de Patriarhie. Spînu îşi aminteşte că toţii colegii de partid pe care credea că îi convinsese s-au răzgândit. E un fel de simţ al conservării preventiv, spune el. „99% din cei care au votat s-au gândit la influenţarea electoratului prin preoţi”. (Am solicitat în mod repetat Ministerului Educaţiei un interviu cu ministrul Funeriu sau cu inspectorul general de religie. Am primit un singur răspuns, din partea unui purtător de cuvânt: „predarea religiei în şcoli se face în baza Constituţiei şi a LEN”.)
Astfel, în Legea Educaţiei Naţionale care a intrat în vigoare la începutul lui 2011, religia este materie obligatorie, la care elevul este înscris automat, de la care nu se poate retrage decât dacă e major sau dacă părinţii doresc acest lucru.
BOR este, de la Revoluţie încoace, una dintre cele mai bine văzute instituţii româneşti.
Chiar dacă nivelul încrederii a scăzut în ultimii doi ani cu mai mult de 7%, un sondaj IMAS din februarie 2011 credita BOR cu 82% din apreciarea populaţiei. Cifra e confirmată şi de GfK Index Trust 2011, un studiu multinaţional în care clerul primeşte încrederea a 83% din populaţia României, cea mai ridicată dintre cele 19 ţări din lume care au participat, unde media e de 58%.
Aşa cum în comunism era nerecomandat să fii credincios, după Revoluţie a devenit nerecomandat să fii ateu. La alegerile prezidenţiale din 1996, Emil Constantinescu l-a întrebat pe contracandidatul său, Ion Iliescu, în finalul ultimei dezbateri televizate, dacă este credincios. Răspunsul lui Iliescu, după câteva clipe de stupoare, a fost că este liber-cugetător. Constantinescu a devenit preşedintele României.
„Libertatea religioasă a devenit o altă formă de constrângere”, spune Adriana Săftoiu, încercând să explice creşterea influenţei BOR. „Am picat în propria noastră capcană.” Mirel Bănică, sociolog care studiază relaţia societăţii cu religia, consideră justificată această schimbare: BOR vrea „să recâştige şi să-şi consolideze poziţia într-un spaţiu public de la care a fost exclusă”. Orele de religie fac parte din acest proces. „Orele de religie sunt foarte necesare pentru că, pe lângă dimensiunea de istorie a religiei, copiii află şi despre iudaism şi islam şi aduc o nuanţă de echilibru şi de calm. Religia ajută la consolidarea identităţii naţionale. Europa ne arată că modelele hiper-integratoare (societăţile care neagă diferenţele culturale dintre grupurile religioase sau etnice – n.r.) nu prea funcţionează.”

Friday, March 2, 2012

OUPblog » Blog Archive » Israel and Iran at the eleventh hour

OUPblog » Blog Archive » Israel and Iran at the eleventh hour

Perhaps a nuclear Iran can still be prevented by preemption. But in the more likely absence of any remaining options for “anticipatory self-defense,” Israel’s best available stance will be to effectively deter an already-nuclear Iran. To succeed, Israel’s leaders will first have to determine whether their adversaries in Tehran are rational, irrational, or “crazy.”

OUPblog » Blog Archive » Israel and Iran at the eleventh hour

OUPblog » Blog Archive » Israel and Iran at the eleventh hour

Perhaps a nuclear Iran can still be prevented by preemption. But in the more likely absence of any remaining options for “anticipatory self-defense,” Israel’s best available stance will be to effectively deter an already-nuclear Iran. To succeed, Israel’s leaders will first have to determine whether their adversaries in Tehran are rational, irrational, or “crazy.”

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Netanyahu will ask Obama to threaten Iran strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Netanyahu will ask Obama to threaten Iran strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Obama administration's suspicions concerning Netanyahu were further fueled after Netanyahu and his advisers briefed a group of senators and senior congressmen during the past two weeks on the Iranian issue, and asked them to pressure Obama on the matter. Last week, Netanyahu met a group of five senior senators over lunch, headed by Sen. John McCain, who ran four years ago against Obama for president. Netanyahu reportedly told the senators he was not interfering in U.S. politics and expected U.S. officials not to interfere in Israeli politics either.

The topic quickly turned to Iran, according to reports. Netanyahu apparently complained bitterly about certain officials in the Obama administration who spoke out against an Israeli strike on Iran. But between the lines, some suggest that Netanyahu was speaking about Obama himself, as well as the other very senior officials in the administration. He reportedly told the senators that this kind of public discourse serves the Iranians.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

p m carpenter's commentary: Calling Edmund Burke

p m carpenter's commentary: Calling Edmund Burke

I can answer that, Mr. Brooks. They were lounging in their cloakrooms' soft-leather, wingback chairs, breezing their eyes across conservative columns that dwelled, for example, on socioeconomic functions of "happiness," rather than conservative columns that relentlessly smashed the emergency glass and frantically rang the alarm bell: Has this party gone fucking nuts -- or what?

MIT pranks: From giant torpedoes to stolen police cars. - Slate Magazine

MIT pranks: From giant torpedoes to stolen police cars. - Slate Magazine

While writing my novel The Technologists, a thriller about the first students at MIT, I looked for early recorded pranks to incorporate into my story. The history of hacks published by MIT Press, Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT, reaches back to an incident in the 1870s in which students sprinkled iodide of nitrogen over the grounds of a military drill, causing explosions under classmates' boots. But as something of a purist about firsts, I sought out earlier examples of the college's signature pranks including, if possible, the inaugural one. Was there a Big Bang of MIT pranks?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Experts Say Iran Attack Is Irrational, Yet Hawks Are Winning the Debate - The Daily Beast

Experts Say Iran Attack Is Irrational, Yet Hawks Are Winning the Debate - The Daily Beast

How can it be, less than a decade after the U.S. invaded Iraq, that the Iran debate is breaking down along largely the same lines, and the people who were manifestly, painfully wrong about that war are driving the debate this time as well? Culturally, it’s a fascinating question—and too depressing for words.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The European project is splitting apart at the very core - Telegraph

The European project is splitting apart at the very core - Telegraph

What makes this moment so significant is not just that the disintegration of the eurozone will be by far the most serious check to the hitherto seemingly irresistible drive for “ever closer union”, but that it marks the rending apart of that Franco-German alliance which has been seen, ever since the Elysee Treaty of 1963, as the central “motor” of European integration. As the slow-motion crisis inches towards breaking point, France and the European institutions are on one side of an unbridgeable divide, and Germany and its increasingly restive people on the other. The latter see that the gamble of the euro has failed just as dismally as the Bundesbank had warned it would back in the 1980s – before being ruthlessly outmanoeuvred by Jacques Delors and Helmut Kohl.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Questionable Economics of the Keystone XL Pipeline - Businessweek

The Questionable Economics of the Keystone XL Pipeline - Businessweek

Clearly, the construction of the pipe, most of it below ground, will be a huge undertaking. The estimated number of people it will employ in the process, however, has fluctuated wildly, with TransCanada raising the number from 3,500, to 4,200, to 20,000 temporary positions and suggesting the line will employ several hundred on an on-going basis. The U.S. State Department, which made its own assessment because the pipeline crosses the U.S.-Canada border, estimates the line will create just 20 permanent jobs. One advantage of a pipeline, after all, is that it’s automated.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

MathJax: test 1

I finally learned how to include MathJax into blogger. Now I can write things such as

$$ \int_0^\infty e^{-t} t^{s-1} dt =\Gamma(s)$$

and impress myself. Awesome!

Irreducible representation: MathJax in Blogger (II)

Irreducible representation: MathJax in Blogger (II)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Unidentified Flying Pork Chops

I guess the very poor should be dancing with joy hearing about the support mechanism that puts them in such a good circumstance that they no longer deserve the attention of our government. The sad irony is that the GOP is focusing its fire precisely on this support mechanism that is supposed to do these wonders to the very poor. Mitt `I'm running for President for Pete's sake' Romney conveniently forgot to include in his boneheaded statement his endorsement of Paul Ryan's budget proposal which will destroy once and for all these welfare barrons.

People are entitled to believe in many things, such as, on a bright and clear day one can see pigs fly. This does not mean they will, but Mr. Romney and his wealthy backers are banking on the fact that  many people believe in unidentified flying pork chops.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The GOP's existential crisis

The Right seems to be going through an important period of confusion, that is unfolding in several stages, much like those seven stages of grief. The economic crisis hit the Conservative credo in the face like a Tomahawk missile. In the Fall of 2008 the philosophical house that Reagan built was in tatters. Conservatives have since been dazed and confused. They are blaming everybody, but themselves. They call Socialist a guy who is to the right of Eisenhower (Obama) and they are about to nominate a lefty Conservative who they deeply despise (Romney). (Reagan would be minced meat for the Tea Partiers for his sin of compromising with the Left.) The alliance with the frothy Evangelicals isn't working as it was supposed to, the Occupy movement is giving them hangoverish pangs of unconfessed guilt, and they see this demographic tsunami coming and there are no hills to run for. The incoherence of the Conservative contributors to this dialogue is to be excused and understood given the utter state of existential Panic they are going through. You know, that old saying, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Friday, January 13, 2012

When Mitt Romney Came to Town

When Mitt Romney Came to Town

Marele Masturbator - Gandul

Marele Masturbator - Gandul

"E un chin profesional pentru mine să mai scriu despre individul Băsescu. Orice făptură înzestrată cu raţiune de pe teritoriul acestei ţări cred că şi-a putut dat seama, după 7 ani, cu cine are de-a face. Iar fanii care i-au mai rămas nu sunt accesabili pe calea raţiunii. O fac acum încă o dată pentru că mai e nevoie, cred, să fie spus limpede un lucru...."

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