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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Cornford: Microcosmographia Academica

 If you are young, do not read this book; it is not fit for you; 

If you are old, throw it away; you have nothing to learn from it;
If you are unambitious, light the fire with it; you do not need its guidance.But, if you are neither less than twenty-five years old, nor more than thirty;
And if you are ambitious withal, and your spirit hankers after academic politics;
Read, and may your soul (if you have a soul) find mercy!

Cornford: Microcosmographia Academica

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Soviet Story Povestea sovietelor incredibil

The Soviet Story Povestea sovietelor incredibil: “The Soviet Story” este un documentar de prima mana, al regizorului Edvins Snore. Filmul spune povestea regimului sovietic si cum URSS au ajutat Germania nazista la instigarea Holocaustului. Filmul arata documente recent descoperite care atesta acest lucru. Interviurile cu fosti ofiteri de informatii, evidentiaza detalii socante. “The Soviet Story” s-a filmat in mai mult de 2 ani in Rusia, Ucraina, Letonia, Germania, Franta, Regatul Unit si Belgia, iar materialele pentru documentar au fost adunate de autor timp de mai bine de 10 ani.

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