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Thursday, November 15, 2012

D'ale comasării sau "Vai de curu' nostru"

 Amicul meu, Razvan Constantinescu, intr-o admirabila, Don Quijoteasca incercare sa salveze medicina romaneasca.

D'ale comasării

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Suppersymmetry in doubt

 About a dozen of years ago, at a Great Lakes Conference dinner at Northwestern  I asked  Witten  what parts of high energy physics he thinks will be  confirmed  experimentally in our lifetime.  Super-symmetry was one of the first things he mentioned. Now come  this news from the Large Hadron Collider.

BBC News - Popular physics theory running out of hiding places

A word of caution though.   About a year ago people thought that the Large Hadron Collider detected a particle traveling faster than the speed of light.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Morning - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ

Monday Morning - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ 

 The vibes she's been sensing turned out to be the tremors of Romney's campaign finally dealing with gravity while denying its existence at the same time. It's gotta hurt! This lady needs to eat a truckload of crow.

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